Aircon Regas
book nowMake sure that you can rely on your air conditioning with a re-gas service. Car air con needs regular maintenance to ensure that it is functioning as efficiently as possible. Air-con re-gassing is the process of removing the old refrigerant gas from your air conditioning system and replacing it with new refrigerant, so your air con can run cold again. We recommend doing this every two years.
At TAF, we offer a complete air conditioning re-gas service, plus FREE tyre and brake check.
Did you know?
Air conditioning doesn’t just provide in-car comfort during the hot summer months; it can also be used in winter to demist your windscreen. Air con systems create dry warm air rather than the normal humid air from outside which can clear your windscreen much more quickly than your regular blowers.

Replacing reigerent gas
FREE tyre check
FREE break check